Thursday, April 19, 2007

Romancing the Rose

"I haven't much time to be fond of anything. But when I have a moment's fondness to bestow, most times... the roses get it."
~ (William) Wilkie Collins ~

I can certainly understand why Mr. Collins said that! When we lived in Ireland, my husband put up outdoor floodlights for me so I could garden at night after we got home from work. Every spare moment I had was spent in the garden... or at the Phoenix Park Garden Centre just outside the park's Castleknock gate. The arthritis in my hands has limited me a bit now - but there are still very few things I'd rather do than play in my garden.

Here are a few of this year's first flush of the roses in my garden...

(click on each picture for a larger view)

Above is David Austin's "Hero" - (the original one, not the sport known as "Huntington's Hero") with "Gold Medal" - just outside the window of my breakfast room…

This is "Auguste Renoir"...

And these (below) are the remarkable "Color Magic" so named because it's color starts out as a lovely middle pink and progessively changes color until it finishes up as a deep red.

I read somewhere once that someone quite famous in the gardening world said that every garden should have peace... so - this is my "Peace" as it looked today...

The yellow rose behind it is "Graceland".

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