Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Pansy Quest

Well... disappointingly, I have not had luck finding frilled or ruffled pansies... and as it is now April - pansies of any sort are becoming very hard to find. I will just have to content myself with the masses of all the other varieties that I have. They are all so pretty and such a delight - they bring an instant "I feel good!" feeling when I look at them.

This year I've put them mostly in pots that I've placed just outside the bedroom slider, on both sides... I admit it's a little hazardous to use that door now but since they are the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing at night (with the outdoor light on...) I think it's worth the risk.

I like to underplant larger plants that are either in pots or in the ground - and I like to plant spring blooming bulbs in layers and then crown them with... pansies, of course. There is a pansy to complement almost anything. Except possibly cactus...

Here you can see the danger involved in using the sliding door in the bedroom... most of the pots are well clear of it, but there is still the vague possibility that my husband - or even worse, that I - might trip over a pot of pansies, stumble and fly into the pool which is about 4 feet from the brick step. Still - the timeless charm of the pansy is well worth an unplanned dip.

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