Friday, May 11, 2007

Today in the garden...

I strolled about my front garden this morning... to see what I could see... or couldn't… and I can see that the endless task of controlling the Algergian Ivy has been neglected for far too long!!!

It's time for a major hack and trim - the birdbath is almost swallowed up!

Nearby, the amazing "Frederic Mistral" (below) is also being consumed.
I used to like ivy, too. So green... so cool... but this variety (which came with the house) should probably not be used in most suburban gardens. There are other varieties that are much prettier and easier to control and which do the same job (ground cover and/or erosion control).

Then I made my way into the back garden. "White Delight", which I am so fond of that I've planted several of them here and there, is… well, a delight. Behind it, climbing gracefully on lattice, is the ever dependable and intensely fragrant Star Jasmine.

Next to this particular White Delight is "Fame" -

And now - to begin tackling the ivy removal project. I admit that I am not looking forward to this.

1 comment:

Love Bears All Things said...

J is hacking away on ours. It keeps wanting to cover the back of the house. I like it on the ground, though. Your Roses are lovely. Mine seem to do as well when I ignore them as when I pamper them.
Mama Bear